How to Write a Market Research Assignment

How to Write a Market Research Assignment

Article is written by My Assignment Help team

Essay writing is an integral part of every student’s life. For a lot of college and university scholars tasked to write quality market research assignments, however, this task often represents an enigma.

You know writing and analytical skills are required to complete this task, but how does one create a market research thesis that actually looks the part? Here is all you need to know before you start working on this assignment.

Why is market research important?

For any type of business to achieve its fundamental objectives, its higher management needs to create an excellent business strategy first. This is where market research comes in. Without having extensive knowledge and understanding of the market, no strategist can ever really do their job.

The purpose of market research reports is to gather and present information regarding various target markets and/or potential customers. A good market research essay must, therefore, be well researched to begin with, but it must also be appropriately formatted, in order to present vital results obtained by both qualitative and quantitative analysis.

The proper marketing research assignment formatting

The first step in writing this assignment is knowing how it must look in the end. Here are the necessary sections every market research report must contain.

  1. The title page must include the assignment title, the date, and the name of the author who conducted the research.
  2. The table of contents is a section that offers an overview of all chapters included in the report, with the number of pages where each one of them can be found.
  3. The introduction is an important segment that should interest the readers in the research and provide basic information about the purpose of the assignment.
  4. The background and methodology section explains the approach the author has taken, the methods that were used to get the results, and the ways in which the analysis of the data was conducted.
  5. The results segment is a vital part of the market research paper. It must contain all relevant information about the topic at hand, and ultimately present the target market and its audience in a way that will offer important insight useful for crafting a business strategy.
  6. The conclusion should provide a compelling summary of findings resulting from the in-depth analysis of the data.
  7. The appendix is a part of the assignment that should include any additional information that could be important for understanding the topic. It can include, for example, questionnaires or surveys, detailed drawings, maps, diagrams and charts, or summaries of other reports that can help expand the reader’s knowledge of the subject.

Additional market research writing tips

To make sure your assignment meets the approval of your professors, here are the aspects to pay close attention to.

  1. Be precise when it comes to the objectives of your market research. Carefully identify your target audience and calculate how many respondents you will need. Decide on what data you are hoping to collect, and with what goal.
  2. Before starting the actual research, make sure that your chosen target group is relevant for the assignment.
  3. Consult with your professors and peers for suggestions.
  4. Inspect the surveys and questionnaires you’ve prepared to make sure you’re not overseeing anything. Make all the surveys neutral and don’t involve any leading (or misleading) questions.
  5. Be careful when it comes to the size of your target group: Larger samples will often give more precise results. If you can, record the interviews as you conduct them. It will make analyzing them a lot easier afterward.
  6. Try to design survey questions in a way your potential clients would.
  7. Keep your mind open for possible findings you didn’t consider before conducting the research.
  8. To make it easier to analyze the results, design charts, graphs, and other forms of visualizations when presenting the collected data.
  9. Do your best to stay impartial throughout the whole process.
  10. Don’t ignore constructive criticism, as it can sometimes be the most valuable feedback you receive. Make sure to leave some space for the comments on any survey you conduct. Don’t forget to thank every person who contributed to your research.


Creating a quality marketing research assignment is a process that goes beyond writing, proofreading, and formatting. It will take crucial skills, time, effort, and a lot of patience to make it.

If this procedure takes up too much of your time and you fear that you won’t be able to make it on your own, contacting qualified writing professionals can be of great help. Experienced marketing research experts can offer insightful advice or create written pieces you will be happy to learn from.

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